Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
From my experience, the easiest path to supporting readanysf~ on all of the Pd-extended platforms would be to import the avdec code into the pure-data SVN and then set it up to build there. That is, unless IOhannes wants to deploy Gem using gmerlin_avdec sooner rather than later. That might change things somewhat. But then it might be easier to use the old "GemLibs" style of including an external lib.
hmm, i cannot entirely follow here.
my point has always been quite clear, that i do not especially like the idea putting every single line of source we can get our hands on and which some piece of software eventually included by Pd-extended depends on into the repository.
i'd purge GemLibs alltogether rather sooner than later (afaik it is currently entirely dysfunctional; but you never know and that is the main reason why it is still there...) and instead revive the idea of providing GemLib-packages with pre-compiled binaries of the dependencies.
finally, i was wondering what i have to do in order to use gmerlin_avdec in Gem (which has not been yet done; i suppose you did not break the entire code-base on your way to porting it to osx/w32 ;-))
fgamdr IOhannes