This probably fits into the category of a wish for PD; I think there's no way to do it currently, but I'd love to be proven wrong!
I'd like to be able to change the data an array points to rather than actually change the data in the array. The scenario which me think of this is, I'd like to have a display of a currently-selected waveform (which could be one of many pre-allocated arrays). It would be wonderful to have a level of indirection where the display-array can be given a new address [object reference?] to one of the various pre-allocated arrays, after which it redraws itself.
I suppose this unleashes all the evils of pointers (multiple references to memory, etc.), but it would a serious advantage, performance-wise, for the scenario I'm envisioning.
I also think it would be very cool if arrays could act as buttons...but that's a different subject.
Phil Stone