I've just pushed a PR for this. (https://github.com/chr15m/PdDroidParty/pull/42)
Antoine Rousseau http://www.metalu.net http://metalu.net __ http://www.metaluachahuter.com/ http://www.metaluachahuter.com/compagnies/al1-ant1/
Le mar. 8 janv. 2019 à 04:12, Chris McCormick chris@mccormick.cx a écrit :
On 7/1/19 10:46 pm, Antoine Rousseau wrote:
yes "ViewPort" is a special canvas-gui name (hard coded in the java), that can be used to scroll through the main pd window:
- in the main pd window, create a canvas gui (add canvas)
- edit the canvas properties and set the receive name to "ViewPort"
- make sure the canvas is in the background (select all the objects but
the canvas, cut, copy)
- then send "pos" and "vis_size" messages to "ViewPort", so you have
visual indication of the portion of the screen that will be displayed on PdDroidParty.
Thanks Antoine, I will add this information to the droidparty.net page (or merge a PR if there is one before I get to it).