On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Damien HENRY wrote:
making generated code wrap around PD-ways. I thought of maybe doing the pipe thing, so I wrote (with help from local LUG) the bit of C below...any advice on how to wrap this in PD?
If i've well understand, your goal is to create one external object for pure-data.
Well, no, the problem is that my programming skills aren't up to the job of converting generated code (from dodgy fuzzy logic apps) into a PD object...so I thought I'd 'simply' use unix named pipes to ask PD to talk to the C prog I have. Hence the bit of C in my message. THe question is: am I doing this the hard way? Couldn't the shell object do this? Or is it easy to just wrap my pipe program within a PD external?
Have a look to the help of pd : doc/6.externs.
Yep read it, and also Zmoelnig's tutorial on IEM. It's not just that I'm a bit lazy, I really just can't follow it. It is a very good tutorial and clear, I'm just not at the point where I can translate that to a working object with lots of wild C from somewhere else...
www.ariada.uea.ac.uk/~dcasal --)+