Hallo, Tim Blechmann hat gesagt: // Tim Blechmann wrote:
route outputs a list with one argument instead of outputting a float. this is then a problem, when you try to connect a [route] to the right inlet of an audio-obj like [+~]. doing this will cause the error 'inlet: expected 'signal' but got 'float' '. this can easily be solved by inserting a [f ] before the audio-obj. but is this behaviour of route intended?
well, seems that the list to float conversion isn't really working when converting messages to signals ...
Or you could see it another way around: Converting floats to signals is done automaticallyi and working just fine. Converting 1-element lists of only one float to a float is also working fine. Converting 1-element lists to signals however is not done automatically. In any case, this definitely is not a problem of [route].
Automatic conversion to my knowledge is only defined for a 1-element list containing a float, which is silently the same as a float, if a float is called for. The example patch however uses [*~] which is intended to multiply two signals. To multiply a signal with a float, an argument to [*~] should be used, like [*~ 0] or similar. If you change the patch to be like that, the error goes away.
(The issue is different for the first inlet of objects btw. [list 440(---[osc~] works fine, even [list 440 10 92 38 stuff(--[osc~] works.)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
_ __latest track: fqdn _ http://footils.org/cms/show/38