Hi Pierre,
Pierre Massat wrote:
Hi all,
A few months ago I posted a message about a pitch shifter and someone pointed me to the shifter~ object ported to Pd by Julian Villeguas (http://julovi.net/j/?page_id=7). Unfortunately the makefile wasn't written for Linux. Is there a way i can compile it to run in Fedora?
Haven't tested this.. but: if the external is not too funky and only has a source file (I assume shifter~.c) and other than m_pd.h uses standard C libraries.. you should be able to compile it with something like
gcc shifter~.c -o shifter~.pd_linux -I [path where m_pd.h]
Where [path to m_pd.h] is the directory where m_pd.h is, easily found doing locate m_pd.h. In my case (on ubuntu with pd-extended) it's /usr/include/pdextended/ but that may vary I think.
Good luck, Lorenzo.
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