On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 10:21:19AM +0100, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
there has been quite some code added to Pd-0.42 in preperation to make single/double precision a compile-time option.
that's the way forward ;_)
i think the only major thing that is still missing for a fully functional double-precision Pd is some ugens, namely [phasor~], [cos~] and [osc~].
and of course most externals will not work properly.
right ..sure, i was thinking it's just a metter of changing the header ..
also then someone (like me) wishes to have the double precision sample stored in soundfile too ;) actually i see that my editor (Snd) can handle it very esealy :)) i really need sndlib instead of pd's audiofiler ..
fgmasdr IOhannes