On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Eric Mazza mazzarotti@gmail.com wrote:
Hi list,
I'm in a summer calculus two course, and we are required to do a research project of our choosing as long as it includes the topics we have learned so far. I want to explore the relationship between this science and sound more closely, and decided to use Puredata as a medium.
What are some areas in sound design/composition that involve calculus? Or topics that approach sound from a calculus standpoint?
You can code up any numerical integrator or differentiator with fexpr~. That's a straightforward textbook problem that you can use to make a good demo.
Differential equations are the jumping off point for *everything* to do with oscillators, filters, resonances, up to Fourier analysis.
Like Andy mentioned--you can't simply code up the differentiators/integrators into blocks and then string them together to use feedback. Any differential equation simulation with feedback needs to take place in a single object.