What i can remember is that when disabling Gem in Pd startup-preferences, pyext boxes would show up normally again. What detailed info would you like to have?
i'll have more infos on sunday, i'll try to reproduce it with care (i don't have time right now) - suddenly wondering if all this was all but a daymare, zzzzzzzzzz
As far as i can tell, this did not occur in linux or mac versions.
thanks Thomas for quick reply, best vincent
Thomas Grill wrote:
Hi Vincent,
By the way, I got several examples of disappearing pyext boxes on windoz machines (it seems that Gem and pyext don't cohabitate that well).
i would be very interested in more detailed info how and why GEM and pyext don't cohabitate well. Vanishing object boxes have in all cases i got to know of been caused by version mismatches of PD or flext headers and libraries and have been resolved by downloading or checking out an up-to-date flext version and recompiling flext and the objects.
best greetings, Thomas