Yep, the "DSP" button now resizes accorging to the Pd window's font size (before it was a fixed size). That's so that people with very high resolution screens can see it.
cheers Miller On Fri, May 06, 2016 at 01:53:43AM -0700, Derek Kwan wrote:
Sorry for the noise -
I broke the variable delay reader in 0.47-0test3 - I've uploaded test4 to replace it... etc. as usual.
cheers Miller
I'm not sure if it matters all that much but "DSP" in the Pd window next to the checkbox is different from previous versions. It's of a smaller font and not bolded. I've actually been using that to tell the difference between your test I compiled from source and the older apt-get installed one =P. I like it better the old way (always helpful when things are easier to read) but it's no huge deal if you feel strongly otherwise.
Also, in terms of the file prompts for openpanel/savepanel/open/save, is it possible to have a "Create New Folder" button? Also, a detailed list view option (name/size/type/date) would be nice at some point but it sounds like a whole lot more work and it's not exactly something I've been absolutely dying without... but the new folder button would be nice =). Thanks for all your hard work!
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