I have rem's multiface ii by the way, it says it handles a headrom of 13 db or something, don't really know what it means. It'llbe a while 'til I check anyway, I'm at a very nice beach in Brasil andI just dipped myself into the atlantic ocean
LoveTo You All!!!
2013/12/31 Chris Clepper cgclepper@gmail.com
It's very, very easy to avoid any sort of clipping processing by using hardware with drivers that don't have any! Avid, Apogee, MOTU, RME, and many others have bit transparent OSX CoreAudio drivers.
Also, any DAC worth it's using can reconstruct far beyond 0dBFS without distortion, so hearing volume increase past -1..1 in software is not surprising. I recall the ADI 1955 and equivalent TI part putting out +12dBFS or something ridiculous, but those ain't Wolfson low power headphone codecs neither!
On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 6:50 PM, Simon Wise simonzwise@gmail.com wrote:
On 31/12/13 08:30, Dan Wilcox wrote:
Ouch. I guess alot of us don't have serious projects :D (Out of curiosity, does Max do soft clipping also?)
the point was that OSX was messing with the sound between the software, presumably any software, and the audio output ... which may perhaps be called a feature while listening to songs in iTunes but is a big worry if you are trying to use the system seriously as a musician. It is a problem that comes up on this list from time to time, I don't recall any reply saying it could be bypassed or turned off.
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