I guess the issue comes when we have s single library file, where usually you can't use a namespace.
But we've dealt with this in cyclone. You can, for instance, call [cyclone/>~] and avoid clashing with zexy's - the way this is done is a bit hacky, of course... but simple, just add a new class creator
Em sáb, 11 de mai de 2019 às 18:17, Alexandre Torres Porres < porres@gmail.com> escreveu:
Em sáb, 11 de mai de 2019 às 17:26, katja katjavetter@gmail.com escreveu:
On 5/11/19, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list pd-list@lists.iem.at wrote: [...]
- A cautious user will always leverage Pd's general collision
avoidance by
prefixing your library's directory name in the object box.
Does prefixing with libdir name avoid collision? Is it the case that Pd can have classes like [cyclone/svf~] and [bsaylor/svf~] loaded simultaneously?