I see now. My guess is that this issue is related to the very large
search path caused by having the hexloader and all of the libraries
loaded by default. Could you guys try a couple things:
The GOP issue seems different that Luke's issue. Could submit a bug
report and post a patch that has this behavior?
On Jun 23, 2008, at 2:40 AM, Matthew Logan wrote:
So it's not just XP then. It makes it hard to even build a patch,
because I'm afraid of using GOP. Start-up of the program itself is no issue. The slow-down occurs
whenever I open my main working patch. It took about 30-45 sec
before (last released pd-extended package). Now it takes 5 1/2
minutes ( I timed it just now). Everytime I edit a section of it,
things take a long time to regen as well. I have some GOPs nested
in other GOPs, so I was wondering if it had to do with that. I
can't think of anything in particular that might cause it, but his
is what I'm experiencing. On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Luke Iannini lukexipd@gmail.com
wrote: Hurrah, great work Hans... Pd is starting to feel quite native on
the Mac.The app-generator is fantastic. I've got quite a few patches designed for just such a thing.
- the GUI runs slower on some older Macs
It's definitely not just older Macs! I've got a two month old Mac Pro 2.8x8 that takes 15 minutes to load one of my more complex patches (as I mentioned in another thread). I never timed it before this development, but it was probably in the 1-2 minute range (which I thought was long at the time :)).
I'll start going through the autobuilds to see if I can narrow down when the loading issue began.
Other than that, I'm very happy. Thanks for all your hard work as
always.Cheers Luke
On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner
hans@eds.org wrote:For this release, there has been a lot of work in making the GUI and user experience much more fluid and easy. There is a new visual look that was designed to make patches more readable. Additionally, lots of things have been tweaked to make Pd behave more like a normal
There has already been a lot of testing on these builds, so it is getting quite close to a final version. (Debian/PowerPC is missing now but will come later)
Here is a partial changelog:
next visual appearance designed for readability
default locations for user-installed externals, helpfiles, etc.
GNU/Linux: /usr/local/lib/pd-externals and ~/pd-externals Mac OS X: /Library/Pd and ~/Library/Pd Windows: %ProgramFiles%/Common Files/Pd and %UserProfile%/ Application Data/Pd
lots of standard key bindings added: Enter/Return for OK Escape for Cancel Ctrl/Cmd-W closes all windows on Mac OS X, Cmd-` cycles thru open windows on Mac OS X, Cmd-m minimizes windows Ctrl/Cmd-R raises/lowers Pd window Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-R shrinks/grows Pd window Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-L clears Pd window's text console Ctrl/Cmd-B opens the Help Browser
you can now use "~" in all paths to mean home folder, and on
Windows you can use environment variables, lie %UserProfile% in
- Cut/Copy/Paste now work directly into object and message boxes on
all platforms
fixed Cut/Copy/Paste for the Pd window's console
[declare] and [import] now sorted out for loading (but much work
needs to be done before there namespace support is complete)
"File -> Save As" defaults to the Home folder (~/) on Mac OSX
new patches default to the folder last saved in
included pgp_opengl aka 3dp on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X
'hardware' and 'deprecated' removed from libraries loaded by
- On Debian/Ubuntu, the packages now install into /usr rather than /
- On Mac OS X, you can now build "standalone" applications from the
File menu.
check http://puredata.info/dev/bugtracker before reporting bugs
Escape, Enter, and Ctrl/Cmd-W don't close the Path and Startup
pdp_opengl is alpha and will definitely crash Pd
loading pdp_opengl will crash Pd if X11 is not open before trying
to load it
- the GUI runs slower on some older Macs
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"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are
deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from
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