Thanks for the replies.
Two additional remarks: Personally I find it easier to always make int counters, then modify those as needed. The practical reason is, that then you can use [mod] which is great for wrapping counters.
Interesting, I have not thought about that before, I will give it a try sometime.
Second: It took me a while, probably years, to realize, that it will solve almost any problem with counting, if you do *not* conenct the main [f] outlet directly to the [+ 1], but instead put the [mod] in between those two like the right counter in attached patch. It's a simple change, but in most cases it is the Right Thing to do instead of fiddling with [sel] and relatives.
I also sometimes use [mod], but did not use here because of the float I was using. In fact, whenever I had to to integer counting, I use [mod] most of the time now. I can't remember where I saw it first though.
As to Countability, sounds interesting and I know nothing about;) will google it when I have some time later.