On 03/08/13 17:11, Pierre Massat wrote:
Well, I just discovered that it was actually possible to read from and write to the same array at the same time. I thought it was impossible (i'd never even tried, to be honest). So here's my (probably stupid) question : is this a feature ?
Yes, it works fine due to the topological sort of the DSP graph into a DSP chain - but DSP is block-based, so be aware that each block is read as a whole before it is written - this probably only matters if you wanted to write to a different location for non-block-sized feedback effects. Also you might have little glitchy issues when table length isn't an exact multiple of the block size.
There are some examples of [tabreceive~]--stuff--[tabsend~] in the docs, probably in the FFT section of the manual.
A simple looper might be a [tabplay~]--stuff--[tabwrite~] thing with the tabplay~ and tabwrite~ both triggered from the same source, and retriggerd by the tabplay~ "done" bang...
If it is that could probably explain why I didn't find much about loopers in Pd, since it is very straightforward.