Which versions of ffmpeg or mpeg4ip do you require to compile the pidip which is currently in CVS? You mention needing some CVS snaphot of ffmpeg, for example, but you never tell which one...
Gentoo has available:
ffmpeg-0.4.7 ffmpeg-0.4.8 mpeg4ip-1.0
And none of them will help pidip compile!
using gentoo distfiles for such thing is not a good idea and is not handy to have access to source dir... so unmerge ffmpeg and mpeg4ip if it's on your system and go get the cvs sources (it will compile fine within gentoo, no worries)
recent cvs were working fine but sevy's recommandations are to use ffmpeg-cvs-2003-03-04.tar.gz
etc etc.... In fact, no file named "libavi.al", for example, even exists on my system, despite the fact that I emerged mpeg4ip already... And, I see in /usr/lib two files named libavformat and libavcodec, but without the .a extension.
download the "real" sources not a portage ebuild/whatever and don't forget to edit pidip config file to point to your ffmpeg source dir.
I can compile pidip without the streaming objects, but I'd like to know what am I doing wrong?!?
nothing but emerging things brings you sources files (sometimes patched and with alternate configurations) not directly accessible by the user. i guess that if you extract the ffmpeg gentoo package from your /usr/portage/distfiles and make pidip point to it, it would also work (in reality it won't cause the ffmpeg from portage doesn't have the stuff recquired by pidip right now)
d. [who promises never to call you grumpy again ;-) ]
and who promised me some chili cooking once ... :]