Hi all,
needing sfread~ with a signal inlet for varispeed and 4 point interpolation I reworked Günter Geigers object and renamed it to sfread4~ (hope you don't mind, Günter and thanks for the original code!).
I didn't test it for negative speeds (it might get screwed up using it), but it seems to work fine for positive speeds. I found a couple of weirdnesses in the original code which seemed to make it sound a little distorted for speeds != integer multiples. Therefore I reorganized the perform routine and datastructs a little. It seems to be fixed now, but use at your own risk.
The varispeed signal inlet is the leftmost inlet (therefore the third inlet doesn't exist anymore). Note that sfread4~ will not produce any sound if the inlet isn't connected to anything as this means a speed value of 0. To make it play back at original speed, connect a [sig~ 1] to the leftmost inlet.
I also attach the compiled binary for linux i386.
-- Orm