I think these, like spigot/gate, are mostly resolved in the cyclone, apart from a very few external cases, like ggee's envgen (similar to msp's 'function').
Actually, there are many more classes having the very same name, but working differently (biquad~, change, clip, clip~, line, line~, poly, snapshot~, scope~, table, append...). Cyclone's loading procedure does the mapping by changing their first letter to upper-case, like in Scope~.
Cyclone is still in its infancy, containing mostly non-gui classes (around 120, currently). It provides ''dummy substitutions'' for the remaining 200 (in order to preserve connections). If Pd's path contains abstractions named after any of the remaining classes, these are loaded instead of the 'dummies'.
The tricky part are core differences, like msp's 'mixins', 'enable' message and more.
(But perhaps I should keep quiet -- cyclone is not ready to be advertised...)
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I am assuming that there are objects in max/msp with similar functionality as objects in Pd, but with different names and maybe slightly different usage. Then a sed script could make the name and connect conversions on the text files to make them work under Pd.