On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:33 AM, Charles Goyard wrote:
Hi Cyrille,
désolé pour toi, c'est super vexant ce genre de crash.
cyrille henry wrote:
did anyone ever experience a slow down due to ubuntu automatic script that should run on the background? how to easily disable them? (cron?)
You could set up a runlevel for performance, that runs only the necessary daemons : udev, jack, dbus. No syslog/ssh/avahi/cron/at/cups/acpid/ftp/networkmanager/bluez/ whatever... Also you can run a minimalistic X session, with screensaver/dpms/screnblanking disabled and a lightweight window manager.
Wow, that's a great idea! Put those unused init runlevels to work!
With Debian/Ubuntu runlevel 2 is normal, and 3-5 are unused or really
just the same as 2. On other distros, I guess its different. Put
update-rc.d to work! I wonder if we could make a package or script
that configured the performance runlevel?
Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally
for machines to execute.