|you can use the "repack"-object from the zexy-external |it will repack its input to packages of constant size, like |=--------------------- ||1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 7, 8( |=--------------------- || |=--------- ||repack 3| |=--------- || |=------ ||print| |------- | |resulting in |" |print: 1 2 3 |print: 4 5 6 |" |waiting for one other atom to be passed, so that "7 8 last_atom" ist |output.
used serialize from gglib with an extra inlet for dyna limit readjust ... built a sort of list interpolator http://barely.a.live.fm/pd/stff/list-interpol8.tgz
needs ggee + counter (gem) (if guenther hasnt uploaderd yet, get http://barely.a.live.fm/pd/patches/serialize.diff
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