if you download the latest code here
..or, just go to the build lab and cd to
you should be able to just type 'make'
I've changed the makefile so that it should recognize if you are a
mac intel or not.
It _should_ also create the MacOS-Intel binary package.
I just run the ./embed-MacOSX-dependencies.sh that I found on the
pdlab server on the directory with the *.pd_darwin binary and it
creates a "lib" directory with all the libs in it.
I'm making this blindly, so I don't know if it actually works.
So I looked at the files again, this worked for me (I just added the
last step):cd externals/august/readanysf~ make -f Makefile.darwin ./embed-MacOSX-dependencies.sh
If you want to make the same package as me, then just: cd .. zip -9r readanysf~.zip readanysf~
That folder just drops into /Library/Pd to install. :) I'll update gavl and gmerlin on Mac OS X once Pd-extended 0.42.5 is released.