Here’s an ALL 64-bit Pd-0.48-1.
It uses tcl/tk 8.6.8 64-bit.
It includes the latest Cyclone externals compiled for 64-bit.
You can start the app with “start-Pd-from-here.cmd”. You can edit it with the notepad. It starts the app and load cyclone. Is just this:
%CD%\pd-0.48-1-w64-tcltk-w64\bin\pd -noprefs -path %CD% -path %CD%\cyclone -lib %CD%\cyclone
Notes: If you use ASIO is safe to start with this settings: delay 6ms, block size 256.
Careful with [cyclone/anal] it uses 1GB of ram.
[cyclone/scope] is tricky, first run does not show anything, then restarting or whatever makes it work.
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