from your first email, it sounds like you are expecting a pitch shift. So how does the pitch shift you are hearing differ from what you are expecting i.e. define "weird." I take it you tried different numbers where the 50 is i.e. 500 etc.? Still weird?
It seemed to me that Frank thought you wanted to build a pitch shifter using the delay effect.
Bjørn Nielsen wrote:
Thanks Marius, Frank & John
I got rid of the click noises now by doing this
| [pack $f1 50] | [line~] | [vd~ testreadname]But the pitch shifting it does while changing delay time is quite weird, so I think I will look into Franks example of doing this.
/ Bjørn
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 07:08, marius schebella wrote:
hi again, vd~ allows you to be controlled via a dsp signal (as opposed to a message inlet which only gets updated every 1,6 ms or so) and thus allows you to smoothly change the delay time. but you have to do do an interpolation between the messages you are feeding into it, and the best way to do this is with [line~].
| [line $1 100( | [vd~ del]marius.
Bjørn Nielsen wrote:
Hey Marius Thanks for the quick reply.
I have now tried vd~, but I still encounter clicks noises when I change delay time.
audiosignal | [delwrite testname 2000]
delaytime | [sig~] | [vd~ testname] | audioout+back to delwrite
Do the click noises has something to do with the samplelength in delwrite~? (and can it at all be changed on the fly?)
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 00:13, marius schebella wrote:
hi Bjørn, maybe vd~ (variable delay) is what you're looking for? marius.
Bjørn Nielsen wrote:
Hey PD list This is my first mail to the list and I am a newbie in PD, so please bear with me.
I am trying to make a patch that simulates the delay effects I use as a stompbox for my guitar. I.e. a signal delay line, with a parameter of feedback and a parameter of delay time. While changing the delay time parameter the ongoing sampled part should change pitch.
My first attempt (as in the attached patch) is to use delread~/delwrite~, but changing the lenght of the sampled part in delread~ makes a lot of clicks noises (which can be fun, but not what I intended) and it do not change pitch. My max/msp friend said I should instead of clipping the sample, make it run faster. So I tried to figure if that was possible with delread~, vd~ or using arrays instead with tabread(4)~, but I have not found the golden key yet.
I would be very happy if somebody could lead me in right direction. Thanks, Bjørn mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->