oops, here it is.
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 00:30:05 +0100 pix pix@test.at wrote:
hey, cool problem...
it's not really a dev question tho, because you can do it within pd with some number juggling. attached is an example.
it just gets every number into a form which is +/- 180 from the last known value of the line (which is run through mod so it is always 0-360).
On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 21:27:35 -0500 bbogart@ryerson.ca wrote:
Hello all,
I'm working with a lot of angles in my current project (0-360degrees where 0 is the same point as 360)
I want to tween between one angle and another. If my initial angle is 10 degrees, my desination angle is 270 degress. I want an object which will take the shortest route around the circle to tween to the desination angle. If I use "line" I have my angle go from 0-90-180-270 Clock wise when I want it to go 10-0-270 Counter clockwise. The line object does work, but only when the angles differ by less than 180 degrees. So the question is how do I make a patch which tweens the angle by the shortnest distance?
Any help would would be appreciated.
In case your hoping I'm not talking about a rotating object so I can't just use a negative rotation angle.
Thanks Ben
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