On Fre, 2015-06-05 at 17:34 -0300, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
I'm voting for a new [scale] and [scale~] object in cyclone, the second is missing completely in extended, the first is around, but in different versions, like [maxlib/scale], which has a log option, and is actually buggy, and the [expr_scale], which is just an expr abstraction. Seems like very simple externals to make and I could go ahead and code them. I think they'd be really useful.
Why do you need them as externals? Those are simply less portable (at least they need recompiling when switching platforms) and they require only very few vanilla objects as abstractions. I don't think this is an example where you gain much performance when implemented as an external. Why not build yourself abstractions?
For example, [scale~] would be essential to adjust the amplitude range from LFOs to control your patches. the [scale] would be good for adjusting MIDI input.
This was exactly the use case I had in mind when writing [rh_scalelog~] and [rh_scalelin~]. Assuming that sources (i.e. LFOs, ADSRs, oscillators,...) are using a standardized range (0-1), I didn't see a need for input scaling.