Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, IOhannes m zmoelnig hat gesagt: // IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Alexandre BrÀutigam wrote:
Hi there! I'm using a simple sfplay patch to play a wav's sample. The open message box is: [ open pedra1.wav l ] because the pd file and this sound file are in the same directory. Using this patch in a XP computer, it works. When I try to do the same in a macbook, we hear no sound and everytime I bang the open message box, it says: "error: sfplay: can't open pedra1.wav" What's wrong?
why would you use [sfplay] when there is [readsf~]? the latter is an external which has not been updated in years, the
former is a often-used object in Pd-vanilla (and will thus work on
pretty much any Pd installation you will find over the world)Just for clarity: I think you've confounded "latter" and "former" here. sfplay~ is old and cranky, readsf~ is shiny and pure vanilla. :)
Maybe someone could add 'deprecated' to the [sfplay] help file, and also suggest [readsf~] instead. Or maybe a selector matrix for all the different file loader/players so one could compare capabilities. They all look shiny on my screen, but most of them are cranky too, in that they never seem to know what I want to do with them ;)