On 28/01/2008, at 13.07, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Steffen Juul wrote:
Well... it's kind of weird. And I'm no Mac expert. But to try to
answer the question...Yes. Running "% open /Applications/Pd-0.41-0.app" twice wont start
two instances of Pd.i guess i meant that (the one who has the problem just told me that
he used "open"
Ah. Well maybe "open" can do something, i don't know much about it.
Basically it just open file/folders in the default app associated
with the type. Like clicking icons. So one would normally run "open
somefile.extention". Apple has the manpage online:
http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/ man1/open.1.html
What i've done is, that i've made an alias i .profile that points
to "/Applications/Pd-0.41-0.app/Contents/Resources/bin/pd". It
respects some of the startup flags, but sadly not "-open file.pd".where do i put the .profile? i am really no expert here...
In $HOME. As soon as you open Terminal you should feel somewhat at
home. I think Terminal use BASH as the default shell.