I try to use a ieee camera into pd on linux ubuntu hardy (for the
moment with gem pix_video).
I succeeded to make it work with 'coriander' (http://damien.douxchamps.net/ieee1394/coriander/ ) .
but not with Pd... I actually don't know what I am supposed to send
instead of the message:
[device /dev/dv1394/0] , which is not working as it is not a dv cam.
I saw in /dev that there is also a 'video1394' but I didn't get any
success with messages like [device /dev/video1394/0]
according to the datasheet of the cam the driver is 'ieee1394b ohci'
and the cam is IIDC compliant, I saw in the help file that 'no raw1394
is supported but I don't know if it concern the one I use.
the pci card:
FWB-PCI02 (http://www.ioi.com.tw/products/proddetail.aspx?
ProdID=1060074), but apparently there isn't any problem with it as it
is listed by the command 'lshw' and any way it works with Coriander.
the ieee camera: point grey research FL2-08S2C (http://www.ptgrey.com/products/flea2/)
any suggestions ?