On Fri, 4 May 2001 rat@telecoma.net wrote:
::i think the libttf is included in the freetype2 or the freetype2-dev ::package
yes, freetype-devel was missing, thanks. and i had to upgrade gcc and cpp (2.96-81), and glibc, glibc-devel (2.2.2-10), and probably some other i stuff i don't remember. (long night...) now, gem is running ok. me too, i get those const context - Do not continue! errors somebody mentioned here earlier. haven't tried anything nasty yet, but 2 wildly rotating and moving spheres with 25 or so segments each and two lights, also moving, brought cpu usage up to around 12%. not so bad, i guess (pII 350mHz, mg400). one thing that i couldn't work out: the compiler kept complaining about 'strcmp' and 'strcpy' being undeclared. i managed to work around strcmp in a couple of Geos files by replacing it with a simple comparison. but i don't know what to do about strcpy. actually, there's only one occurrance [GemPixImageLoad.cpp, line 59]: strcpy(newName, filename); i commented that out, so it would compile. only, i cannot load images now...