but hey, if one, for any reason, has a problem with expr, you can do with vanilla math objects too as attached
2015-07-02 18:50 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Torres Porres porres@gmail.com:
guys, what I've trying to say is that the expr family of objects has a tanh function... and it is exactly the same as what you get with cyclone/tanh~]
sorry for screwing up and not being clear
see attachments
ps. I consider expr to be vanilla... why wouldn't it be?
2015-07-02 18:43 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Torres Porres porres@gmail.com:
I scrwed up
[expr~ tanh($v1)]]
2015-07-02 18:42 GMT-03:00 Martin Peach chakekatzil@gmail.com:
You need to turn on the DSP...
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Pagano, Patrick < pat@digitalworlds.ufl.edu> wrote:
Martin when i move the number box it does not change value after the snapshot~
should it or does it need a signal?
i was trying to replace lp8_cheb~ as well in Vanilla and it seems like a series of iemlib files until i get down to "filter~" which i cannot find a replacement for
anyone deal with this yet either?
*Patrick Pagano B.S, M.F.A* Audio and Projection Design Faculty Digital Worlds Institute University of Florida, USA (352)294-2020
*From:* Pd-list pd-list-bounces@mail.iem.at on behalf of Martin Peach chakekatzil@gmail.com *Sent:* Thursday, July 2, 2015 5:34 PM *To:* IOhannes m zmölnig *Cc:* pd-list@lists.iem.at *Subject:* Re: [PD] Vanilla replacement for tanh~
In pd Pd 0.46.6 I can do the attached patch without adding any extra externals so it's probably vanilla.
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 5:13 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
On 07/02/2015 10:19 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
just use [expr~]
does that count as vanilla?
fgmards IOhannes
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