I think it's pretty apparently that no one is really "in charge",
like an organization or Linus Torvalds is. I suppose it depends on
what you define as Pd. Miller is in charge of the core code. Linus
apparently has final say over every module that is part of Linux,
while any pure-data dev can add their code to Pd-extended. You could
say we are more Bazaar than Mr. Bazaar because the Pd Bazaar has a
hand in the decision making. :D
As for money, if people were paid to work on Pd, then people could
spend solid, concentrated chunks of time on it. We could also pay
people to solve the hard annoying problems, or do cross-platform
quality assurance, or things like that. But for this to work, we
need to have a decision structure that everyone thinks is fair. I
think we should talk about this at PdCon.
In any case I support your effort, I can help by tracking down
supporting texts, etc.
On Aug 16, 2007, at 8:20 PM, marius schebella wrote:
the "money for Pd" topic was already discussed often; pd licenses for universities, several other ways to support the development of pd like conventions, google summer of code and so on. although it never
lead to results... I was thinking of funds or prizes like the ars electronica festival. I am still not sure if Pd will fit in one of the categories, but I know that you have to send a DVD about the project/community. maybe the pdconv would be a good place for some interviews and shoot good
footage.one principle question for me with submissions is, if someone
should be in charge of the pd community? like an official speaker, or a table of people. honestly I think no, but without that it will be more
difficult to access some of the money. (does pd development need money at
all???...)the more tanglible question is, if there is someone who wants to help getting this done, filming, interviewing, cutting, writing, research.
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