Also, I translated the functions exp and log that were in the code to
natural log (E) functions in Java (Math.exp, or exp base e, and Math.log or
log base e). Is this correct, using the natural log seems unusual? There was
an _ilog2 function which I did translate and use where called from fiddle.
-----Original Message-----
From: Karl MacMillan []
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 3:00 PM
To: Joel Trunick
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: Fiddling with Fiddle (in Java)
The easiest place to see the output data is in one of the program specific
output functions. The pd version is sigfiddle_bang - line 1371 in the
sources that I have.
| Karl W. MacMillan |
| Computer Music Department |
| Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University |
| |
| |
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Joel Trunick wrote:
> I am trying to port the Fiddle program to Java to use with the Java Media
> Framework. I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with the
> My question is actually pretty simple, I have samples being sent thru it,
> but I am not sure where to pick up the answer (frequency of the note).
> is a structure with x_hist in it, this appears to be it, but seems to
> have 0.
> Please let me know if you have worked with the Fiddle code before.
> Thanks,
> Joel