Marc Lavallée wrote:
Localization is common and considered a *good* thing.
ALL can also learn or remember a little bit of their own language to use computers; it's part of the solution to keep and enhance our local cultures. Since I'm French speaking, I prefer "commentaire" to "comment", "symbole" to "symbol", "nombre" to "number", "bascule" to "toggle"...
Of course localization is a good thing, but let's consider WHY it should be done. If it's a matter of linguistic preference by longtime users, that is well and good and by all means knock yourselves out and have fun doing it! ;-)
But if it's a matter of attracting new users, or supporting users who don't understand English very well (such as about 90% of the Brasillians I workshopped with a month ago), then the docs and the help files need to be (improved and) translated before a localized GUI is going do them much good. In this respect, however, non-English character support would help greatly. Difficult steps, but necessary ones.