I suggest you keep your day job maintaing networks. it's much more well
paid than art jobs, which means that you can work less and have more time
for you. plus, the frustration of not being involved in art gives you
energy to sit down and work on your things when you finally manage it. you
don't waste those artistic thoughts somewhere else, like producing a
concert or something.
Unless you've already good well-known in the field, and are able to get a
"regular" amount of paid comissions/projects done.
I make a living mainly as an engraver for scores (classical/modern/film
music). it's not very well paid, but I can maintain my lifestyle for the
time being (single guy sharing a flat with no family), and now and then
buy equipment. although in the future I'll have a lousy pension for sure.
João Pais
Hmm, I see. Looks like we have to have a day job right? Just curious, is there anyone have a day job in a field that has no relation with art?
Like for example, I myself, I work as a network consultant. And then use my
spare time to do some art stuff.