This is my first post to the list so I suppose I am a newbie at many pd things although I have been involved with electronic music for some time.
I want to create a patch that kind of simulates the 'pre-record" function that is found on e.g. soundforge 7 and in protools, i.e. it continuously buffers a few seconds of the audio input so that when you start recording it includes this data into the file. I found a linux app that does pretty much this (http://www.hut.fi/~spniskan/quickrecord/) but I mainly us Windows, hence the need to do this patch. I presume I need to use many small buffers (say 100*0.1sec for a 10sec buffer) using arrays, but these then need to be organised so that new buffers are appended to the 'end' of the 10seconds and the oldest buffer deleted.
Can anyone provide any suggestions or pointers as to what objects to use and how to implements this. I am naturally not expecting anyone to do this patch for me just nudge me in the right direction....
Many thanks Karl