Hey - what about PD? Or would these patches be easy to port to PD? (I don't now much about the porting issue, since I've never used Max).
(adding pd-list to the CC, and apologies in advance if this is off-topic to the "spectro" list, which I don't know anything about but was in the original CC)
Larry Troxler
PerVillez@aol.com wrote:
I am glad that Rick is trying to push the connection between Csound and Max/Msp. There are so many things in common that can easily be translated between both environments. This is a very positive way to go.
Per Villez London College of Music and Media Thames Valley University Ealing London -----Original Message----- From: Dr. Richard Boulanger [mailto:csound@mediaone.net] Sent: 27 August 2001 22:13 To: max-msp@cycling74.com Cc: Spectro; CsoundList Subject: Re: [max-msp] Csound instruments translated to Max/MSP
Four Chapters from The Csound Book translated in Max/MSP patches by Jahwan Koo are repaired and reposted to:
I hope that they inspire some of you to make the Max-MSP/Csound Connection and share your work with both the Max and the Csound Mailing lists
Dr. B.
They look like they could be interesting, but unfortunately, while the
unzip OK, the text looks (to my untrained eye) like Windows text with lots of control characters and Max definitely won't open them as patches.
-- ________________________________________________________
Dr. Richard Boulanger Professor - Music Synthesis Department Berklee College of Music 1140 Boylston Street - Boston, MA 02215-3693 Office Phone: (617) 747-2485 Office Fax: (617) 747-2564 Email: csound@mediaone.net OR rboulanger@berklee.edu _________________________________________________________
Everything Csound http://csounds.com/ The Csound Book http://csounds.com/book/ The Csound Catalog with MP3 Audio http://csounds.com/catalog/ The Csound Book (2nd Printing) CD-ROMS http://www.csounds.com/cdroms/ The Csound FrontPage @ MIT Press http://www.csound.org/ __________________________________________________________
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