Hallo, João Miguel Pais hat gesagt: // João Miguel Pais wrote:
I was thinking about something which might not be possible for now:
I have a window with some data structures. I wanted to click on any of
them cause something on an other point of the patch (play a sample, move
something, etc), like if it would be a gui object. So far as I know, for
now that's not possible to do, is it? I was considering creating a small
bang button near each structure, but when the window is rescaled the
proportions will be lost, and nothing will correspond with nothing.
Some more ways to evaluate mouse events definitely would be nice to have in Pd. for now I would recommend [tot] for this. You use it with the subpatches name like [tot data] for a [pd data] subpatch, send it a [capture 1( message and then it will report from its third outlet messages like "motion x y" etc. which you can [route] and work with.
By the way, is there any place with updated documentation about data-s? I
realised from some patches that it's possible to set the ranges of a float
with something like "float 10:20", but that's not documented.
It's not documented in the reference patches yet, but in doc/4.data.structures/*.pd
"f(0:100)(0:20)" is documented in doc/4.data.structures/09.scaling.pd
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__