Pagano, Patrick wrote:
I think an initial problem might be if people have preinstalled pd-extended they may not have pd, pdp and pidip sources installed already. Certainly Freeframe1.5 and fri0r latest will have to be built too
FreeFrame is merely a convention and consists of a single header file. you don't have to "install" anything on your machine to build pdp_freeframe/pix_freeframe (the FreeFrame.h comes with pdp_freeframe). afaik, [pdp_freeframe] (as well as [pix_freeframe]) only implement FF1.0, no fancy FFGL (aka FF1.5) stuff.
frei0r is merely a convention and consists of a single header file. you don't have to "install" anything on your machine to build pdp_freior (the frei0r.h comes with pdp_frei0r).
obvisouly you will have to install freeframe/frei0r plugins if you want to use them. but that is only relevant on the deployment side, not on the build machine.
fgmarsd IOhannes