Interesting. How did you quantify the amount of message transfers? What makes it differ so much, like you say?
I simply (roughly) counted the numbers of objects the calculation including all sub processes have to pass until you get the final result. (Unfortunately I cannot tell how heavy each of these calculations is compared to another one.)
I started this a while ago since I am running my machines always at the very limit that they can handle. Which is why I started cutting down the number of processes needed to get something done wherever possible. Saving 20% of the calculations in a machine that's at the limit can make quite a difference. Of course it's the audio processes that are heavier than the control processes.
I remember a discussion here a while ago about how heavy the actual message transfer is. So keeping calculations as simple and straight forward all of the time will keep the machines from getting overloaded earlier than necessary. Which again reminds me that I have to redo lots of old stuff for efficiency - never ending story!