I'rather be interested in the difference between [samphold~] and [snapshot~]. They seem to almost do the same thing to me.
The only difference is that [samphold~] is audio rate and [snapshot~] is control rate.
On 04.11.2023 10:05, Peter P. wrote:
- Andy Farnell padawan12@obiwannabe.co.uk [2023-11-04 09:49]:
confused about what is the best way to do that, the choices being [samphold] and [env]. So I'd also be interested in the best (most accurate) answer.
Andy, [samphold] as well as [snapshot~] do give you the amplitude value of one single sample, which for audio signals is often in the range between -1 and 1. [env~] will give you an dBRMS value (the mean of all absolute amplitudes over a certain time window, converted to dB.
Was that your question?
I'rather be interested in the difference between [samphold~] and [snapshot~]. They seem to almost do the same thing to me.
best, P
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