hi i am taking the ss for linux but i don t know where to put them in th efloos server directories, is there an image directory or it should go on the same page directory.. simone
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:45 PM, Derek Holzer derek@umatic.nl wrote:
I'm looking for a few screenshots from users of PD Extended on Windows & Linux for the PD FLOSS Manual:
It's very easy to create your own login and upload images, make corrections or add sections. Email me offlist if you have any other questions about it.
thanks much! Derek
***WINDOWS screenshots needed***
# http://en.flossmanuals.net/PureData/ConfiguringPD
---Screenshots of config menus from all three operating systems (slightly different locations on OSX, Windows, Linux)
---a screenshot (max width=600 pixels) of using REGEDIT.EXE to edit the pdsettings as described in the chapter. (Current screenshot was uploaded by German user, so an English version would be preferable)
# http://en.flossmanuals.net/PureData/TroubleShooting
---"I don't hear any sound!" Screenshot "compute audio" button + audio settings in PD, Maybe also audio control panels from different OSes? (Also if anyone uses ASIO4ALL, a screenshot of that please.)
---"I don't see any MIDI input!" Screencaps: audio/midi prefernces with midi highlighted, (Windows: MIDI Ox/MIDI Yoke Junction)
***LINUX screenshots needed***
# http://en.flossmanuals.net/PureData/ConfiguringPD
---Screenshots of config menus from all three operating systems (slightly different locations on OSX, Windows, Linux)
# http://en.flossmanuals.net/PureData/TroubleShooting
---"I don't hear any sound!" Screenshot "compute audio" button + audio settings in PD, Maybe also audio control panels from different OSes? (On Linux, perhaps alsamixer or galsamixer, or whatever else is popular for the alsa mixer control).
---"I don't see any MIDI input!" Screencaps: audio/midi prefernces with midi highlighted, (Linux: QJackctl)
-- derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista ---Oblique Strategy # 119: "Mechanicalize something idiosyncratic"
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