Wow, thanks. I didn't know about pdsend and pdreceive, I had always just written my own network handling scripts and/or used netcat. Since I don't need pd to deal with any of the program output this may be a good avenue to explore.
On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
An alternative method that I like for asynchronous execution is:
[netsend] [netreceive] -- optional, for knowing when the command has completed
and a bash script like:
#!/bin/bash pdreceive ... | while read line do somecommand "$LINE" >/dev/null echo "done;" # optional done | # optional (pipe) pdsend ... # optional
pdsend and pdreceive are little tools provided with Pd to interact with netsend and netreceive.
A concrete example:
----8<---- #!/bin/bash pdreceive 1570 | while read line ; do ppmhist -map <histogram-in.ppm >histogram-tmp.ppm ppmtoppm <histogram-tmp.ppm >histogram-out.ppm echo "ready ;" done | pdsend 1571 ----8<----
The Pd patch uses GridFlow to save histogram-in.ppm and sends "go" to netsend, which executes one run through the loop, then when Pd netreceive receives "ready", it loads histogram-out.ppm and carries on processing - hopefully GridFlow will get histogram support soon, if it doesn't already.
Andrew Turley wrote:
It looks like that should work. Thanks.
On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
[shell] and [popen] should work.
On Mar 22, 2008, at 2:09 PM, Andrew Turley wrote:
Hey, I was wondering if there was a way to execute a program from pd. Specifically, I would like to use the osascript command in Mac OS X to send a command to iTunes.
I can write an external to do this, but if there is already something out there to do then then I will use that.
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