Hi Again,
Or connect the dots, or whatever youw anna call it. Anways that's the kind of documentation im looking to creating. I hacked up 2 template patches based on the latest PDDP template. It can be found here: http://student-kmt.hku.nl/~anton/pd/ (the Quiz_counter.pd and Quiz_counter2.pd) Also I'm keeping a list of possible questions to ask here: http://www.puredata.org/Members/Antonw/
What I wanted to add is that im very open to suggestion for possbile new questions, so please feel free to add them to the list (I havent been able to figure out how to open the document for other people to edit it yet). As are any other comments. Also I forgot to mention that I plan to include solution patches aswell which will contain a more detailed explaination of the design principles behind it.
Cheers Anton