The problem is that two of the objects I have in the patch that Andy sent me 1- tab_mul 2- tab_cross_corr
tare not created, I have the IEMLIB included in pd and the rest is ok. Please tell me whether they are coming from same library or they are part of some other one which needs to be included with it
Can you please check them on yours pd?
On 6/17/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Jun 17, 2007, at 12:46 PM, tania habib wrote:
1- how can i find this IEMLIB_R1.15 library, as some of the objects in the patch you sent me can not be created.
2- I am using pd extended 0.40 on mac osx
In Pd-extended, that should all be in the "iemlib" library.
3- how can I include aubio in pd when I download it, a little guidance needed here
That I don't know, I haven't played with it yet.
thanks tania
On 6/18/07, Andy Farnell wrote:
I found a helpfile for "table cross corr" IEMLIB_R1.15 Don't actually have the external though myself for some reason.
Looking at the helpfile it would be suitable for audio after using [tabsend~] to fill the tables.
On Sun, 17 Jun 2007 17:52:42 +0200 "tania habib" wrote:
hello list, I was wondering if some body can tell me if there is an object to
the cross correlation of two signals. If there is, please let me know which library has it.
regards, tania
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