Ah... thanks for the explanation, I wasn't thinking straight.
I think I'd like to get more information than that, like packet data and stuff like that.
But... If you've done this before, do you think you could send the scripts you made my way? I'm curious...
Cheers, David __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org
CK wrote:
I read:
I'm not actually interested in getting the audio from kismet to Pd, but
it's not audio it's just the info you can configure in kismet.conf like (using either dummy wave files or a tiny patch to kismet server or ui)
# New network found # Wepped new network # Network traffic sound # Network junk traffic found # GPS lock aquired sound # GPS lock lost sound # Alert sound
(those get send to play)
and to festival it sends:
# %b is replaced by the BSSID (MAC) of the network # %s is replaced by the SSID (name) of the network # %c is replaced by the CHANNEL of the network # %r is replaced by the MAX RATE of the network
that's quite some info ;)