On 21 Mar 2009, at 14:28, Husk 00 wrote:
I list, i would like to share with you all my last work with PD. It is a Vj
like App, developed by me and others this last year, with economic
support of Catalan videomaker associacion Telenoika (telenoika.net)
and Hangar - centre de producciò de arts visuals (www.hangar.org)
support. IT's called Qeve (Cu-Eve), and it's still a beta (with a lot of
bugs :(). I use it on all my gig with very good results; I used it in many
workshop too between Italy and Spain, as a tool for introducing PD
programming to not programmer Vjs. It's based on pdp and pdp_opengl.
It's basically a 3 channel mixer where every channel could be one of
5 different type of players: video, 3d generator, image, paint,
text. You can change player in real time mixing different kind of
source. It has audio analisys and BPM master clock, and give the
possibility to connect every propierty of any player to music or
BPM. It still miss of documentation, i'm on it. But if you are interested
I can help you to run it. This is my develop blog: http://qeve.estereotips.net
Congratulations! This looks like an incredible piece of Pd
programming. I can't wait to try it... Will give you some feedback
when I do.