I've found out that making a float grow and grow and grow it eventually reaches a value that is displayed in number boxes as "+Inf".
Then if I multiply that number by 0 I get a value that is displayed in a number box as "NaN".
Is this expected behaviour? If so i guess infinities and NaN have been recently introduced, haven't they?
However there seem to be some inconsistency: 5/4 returns 0 (as I was used to), not +inf. Also, I'm not sure +inf is the value you expect when adding something to the greatest representable value... or is it?
Also I cannot seem to find a way to write inf's or NaN as a literal (in a message box), and I cannot find an [isNaN] or similar object... that's why I wonder if this is a feature or a bug.
Also, sliders seem not to like them.
If you feed a NaN (or maybe +Inf, I'm not sure) to a slider, it makes the cursor disappear (which is probably OK for NaN), but then you suddenly get weird behaviour of the window: a scrollbar with a very small cursor appears as if the patch window had become suddenly huge and it may scroll away so you cannot see the patch content any more and you may not be able to scroll it.
It seems like it is actually trying to draw the slider's cursor far away, which doesn't happen with huge but finite numbers....
I'm trying to build a simple test patch, but I'm having difficulties. I can reproduce it with a patch that is pretty simple but doesn't quite isolate the "issue" (or non-issue) in a decent way. I'll post it if I cannot end up with anything better
Cheers m.