just have been checking these help files, and it seems like the nato-free patches load fine via cyclone, although several gui objects (multiSlider, kslider, gain~, meter~, number~, preset, fpic...), and some non-guis (tempo, selector~, dspstate~...) are being dummy-substituted. Some of them could easily be replaced with abstractions, others not so easily...
<dev>a propos dspstate~ -- is binding to a 'pd' symbol something to be avoided? Or perhaps somebody knows of a better way for a tilde-external to be notified about dsp being turned off?</dev>
Dupras, Martin wrote:
I'm experimenting with PeRColate for PD, and could hardly find any help or example patches.
In an effort to understand better, I have just installed the demo of Max/MSP and PeRColate on a mac, and the help files are just about what I was looking for.
Did anyone port the example patches to PD patches? If not, would it be worthwhile to anyone?