hi, you probably know about this bug, but [rand~]'s argument doesn't really work. I'd be happy to help find other bugs, do you have a list of bugs you're working on?
2014-12-07 14:43 GMT-02:00 Fred Jan Kraan fjkraan@xs4all.nl:
Hi Jonathan,
It's instructive to have some history on this...
I prefer to focus on what is possible, and the cyclone patches are for pd-extended/pd-l2ork anyhow. Hyperlinks are cool, but there can be a downside; maybe someone creates a pd-based exploit ;-).
That would only work if all [pddp/pddplink] objects come last in the pd file. Otherwise you'll throw off the connection indices. (Maybe you didn't notice the effect because so many of the objects are comments, which don't have wires.)
Maybe some smart scripting could do this properly. Added it to the todo list. This would mean we can build rich help-patches for pd-extended/pd-l2ork and automatically strip them down to be vanilla-compliant. Is there a description of the file format somewhere?
Why aren't there hyperlinks in Pd Vanilla? We shouldn't be working around this in the 21st century.
We have them in other forks like pd-extended and pd-l2ork. Lets concentrate on making those better and more accessible. A lot of good pd forks have died because of the focus on getting their features in pd-vanilla.
But enough of this. For now, I'll prefer to spend my sparse free time on learning pd and improve help-patches. It is more constructive and more fun.
Fred Jan
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