On Aug 14, 2004, at 12:55 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
So I have gotten the rough version of the new MacOS X package working. Keep in mind that this is a test version, but it should be usable. The aim is to have everything needed to run Pd in a Pd.app, so that you can just drag-n-drop to install. Plus, the long term goal is to make Pd behave like a normal MacOS X app, but there needs to be some biggish changes for that to happen.
...drat...just tried it, and I get the following at console:
/ Applications automount Applications (Mac OS 9) bin Desktop DB cores Desktop DF dev Desktop Folder etc Developer mach Library mach.sym Network mach_kernel System private System Folder sbin TheVolumeSettingsFolder sw User Guides And Information tmp Users usr Volumes var 2004-08-17 23:15:31.503 open[760] No such file: /Applications/Pd.app/Contents/Resources/Pd.term
...sure enough, I check the app package and it has a file Pd.term in the correct place...back to command line!